tinnitus Test & Management

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What are the symptoms, and how can they be Managed?

Constant ringing noise in the head or ears can be annoying. But do you know that it could be a symptom of potential hearing loss? Sound in the head with no external source can be a sign of tinnitus.

Any strange sounds or noises you hear in your ears should be taken seriously since they could be a symptom of potential hearing loss. Tinnitus is the perception of noise or ringing in the ears, characterised by hissing, roaring, whistling, chirping, or clicking noises. It can vary from a mild annoyance to a persistent issue affecting daily life. To determine the underlying source and evaluate any potential hearing loss, it is advised to visit an audiologist for a hearing test.

Girl suffering from tinitus and closing her ears in frustration. Hills Audiology can provide a care plan

What is Tinnitus?

It is the perception of hearing sounds like buzzing, humming, or ringing in the absence of any external sound source. This condition can affect individuals of all ages and is quite prevalent. Exposure to loud noise, ear infections, and certain medications can be some of the factors that lead to tinnitus. Therefore, it is advisable to seek medical attention if you have persistent ringing or buzzing in the ears to identify the root cause and obtain the appropriate treatment. Tinnitus can have one or several tones, be intermittent, or be persistent. The perceived volume may range from very faint to quite loud.

Understanding the root cause of this condition is crucial to developing effective treatment plans. Age-related hearing loss, a common contributor, is caused due to changes in the auditory system during natural aging. Other factors include damage to the nerves in the ear canal, exposure to loud music or workplace noise, head injuries, and issues with blood flow through blood vessels in the head and neck.

What are the common causes?

This condition is common among people who already have ear problems or hearing loss. But that doesn’t mean people with normal hearing cannot suffer from it. 

Tinnitus can affect both adults and children. However, it is more common among older adults with age-related hearing loss. 

Common causes include –

  • Exposure to loud sounds
  • Age-related hearing loss
  • Head trauma
  • Ear wax occlusion
  • Middle ear infection
  • TMJ Syndrome

Tinnitus assessments

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Early detection and treatment of tinnitus related hearing loss can assist in improving overall hearing health.

What are the different Types?

Everyone’s tinnitus can be different and has unique characteristics. It is rare and occurs when an external observer can hear the sounds generated by the individual’s body. Have a look at the different types-

  • Subjective 
    This is the most frequent type, which is often caused by exposure to loud noises. It can be challenging to deal with because the tinnitus becomes more prominent than other sounds, making it difficult for the individual to concentrate. Typically, hearing aids that produce a calming noise are used to alleviate this condition by diverting the user’s attention away from the ringing, buzzing, or other noises.
  • Sensory
     A subtype of subjective tinnitus is typically caused by various disorders that affect how the brain processes sound. Though there is no known cure, an established management program can help alleviate its adverse effects. If you experience sensory tinnitus, you may feel off-balance as a result of an impaired auditory system.
  • Somatic 
    Muscle spasms in the ear or neck and other mechanical sources generate somatic tinnitus. Sound therapies and other management techniques, such as massage therapy, can be helpful in this case. Dental problems, such as infectious wisdom teeth and popping of the jaw, can also cause tinnitus. 
  • Objective 
    This is one of the rarest types of tinnitus, can be heard by an outside observer usually with the help of a stethoscope. It is the only type of tinnitus that can be perceived by someone other than the person experiencing it.

What are the common symptoms?

Recognising the signs and symptoms is very important in seeking timely professional help from an expert audiologist in Sydney

  1. Persistent Ringing or Buzzing: Tinnitus is often characterised by an ongoing perception of ringing or buzzing sounds in the ears. These sounds can vary in intensity and may be present in one or both ears.
  2. High-Pitched Whistling: Some individuals report hearing a high-pitched whistling or squealing noise that can be continuous or intermittent.
  3. Hissing or Roaring Sounds: The sensation can emerge as either a hissing or roaring sound, often resembling the rush of wind. The specific nature of these sounds may vary from person to person.
  4. Clicking or Pulsing: For certain people, this condition presents as rhythmic clicking or pulsing noises. This pulsatile tinnitus is often synchronised with the individual’s heartbeat.
  5. Intermittent or Continuous: Tinnitus can be intermittent, occurring at specific times, or it may be constant, persisting throughout the day and night.
  6. Impact on Sleep: Many individuals will experience difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep due to the persistent background noise, leading to sleep disturbances and fatigue.

Tinnitus tends to be more noticeable in quiet surroundings. Background noise or external sounds may provide some relief for individuals with tinnitus.

Each person experiences differently, and it’s important to keep that in mind. To receive a correct diagnosis and proper treatment, it’s recommended that you seek professional evaluation from an audiologist or healthcare provider.


Hills Audiology recommends appropriate solutions from a full range of treatment options including wide choice of hearing aids/hearing devices, from all leading manufacturers.

How can you prevent Tinnitus?

Prevention involves adopting lifestyle changes to protect your hearing health. This includes avoiding exposure to loud noises, using ear protection in noisy environments, and promptly addressing head or neck injuries. You can schedule your regular hearing test with Jasmine Thomas, your local audiologist at Hills Audiology in Castle Hill. With her expertise and commitment to individualised care, Jasmine can help you understand the underlying causes of your tinnitus, conduct thorough hearing tests, and guide you towards practical solutions for optimal hearing health.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your local audiologist in Sydney for personalised and professional assistance on your journey to managing tinnitus. You can also contact us for services like adult and child hearing tests and ear wax removal.

Treatment Options for Tinnitus: A Holistic Approach

It can be a challenging and distressing condition, but at Hills Audiology in Castle Hill, we recognise its profound impact on daily life. Fortunately, we offer a comprehensive range of solutions designed to address this concern and improve overall auditory well-being. 

  • Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT): One of the structured programs we provide is TRT. This therapeutic approach aims to assist individuals in habituating to the persistent sounds associated with tinnitus, ultimately reducing their perceived impact. TRT involves a combination of counselling sessions and sound therapy, creating a personalised plan to help individuals manage and cope with their condition more effectively. This holistic method focuses on changing emotional and cognitive responses to the perceived sound, contributing to improved quality of life.
  • Hearing Aids as a Solution: Hearing aids have proven valuable in addressing tinnitus, mainly when associated with hearing loss. Our expert audiologists at Hills Audiology can recommend and fit suitable hearing aids tailored to individual needs. These devices enhance overall auditory perception and provide a dual benefit by alleviating the impact. By improving hearing capabilities, individuals can experience a reduction in the prominence of buzzing or ringing sounds, contributing to enhanced communication and quality of life.
  • Ongoing Support and Counselling: Our approach involves ongoing support and counselling beyond specific therapeutic interventions. Living with tinnitus requires continuous management, and our team is committed to providing guidance and assistance throughout this journey. Regular check-ins, adjustments to therapeutic plans, and addressing any emerging concerns are integral aspects of our patient-centred care.

In conclusion, managing tinnitus involves a multifaceted approach, and at Hills Audiology, we are dedicated to offering holistic solutions. From structured therapeutic programs like TRT to integrating hearing aids, we aim to empower individuals to navigate their auditory challenges with support, understanding, and effective interventions.

Treatment and Management Options

At Hills Audiology Castle Hill, we understand the impact tinnitus can have on your daily life, and we offer a range of solutions to address this concern. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is a structured program aimed at helping individuals habituate to the sounds, reducing their perceived impact. Additionally, hearing aids can benefit those experiencing hearing loss, as they enhance overall auditory perception.


If you experience any unusual sounds or noises in your ears, such as ringing or buzzing, it's advisable to consult with an audiologist. They can conduct a thorough hearing test to determine if tinnitus is present and assess its severity.

Yes, It can often be associated with hearing loss. Damage to the auditory system can lead to both reduced hearing ability and the perception of sounds in the ears. Addressing any hearing loss is a key aspect of managing tinnitus.

While there is no cure, various management options exist. These include Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT), hearing aids, and lifestyle changes. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the underlying cause and individual factors.

Yes, stress and anxiety can exacerbate symptoms. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, counselling, or other stress-reducing activities may help alleviate the impact of tinnitus.

Yes, adopting a healthy lifestyle can contribute to minimizing the impact. This includes protecting your ears from loud noises, managing stress, exercising regularly, and maintaining a balanced diet.

Yes, It can be associated with certain medical conditions, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, cardiovascular issues, and ear infections. Identifying and addressing any underlying medical conditions is crucial for managing the ringing in the ear.

Yes, It can interfere with sleep, causing difficulties in falling asleep or staying asleep. Implementing relaxation techniques and creating a conducive sleep environment may help alleviate these challenges.

The duration varies among individuals. It can be temporary or persistent. If tinnitus persists for an extended period, seeking professional evaluation is recommended for a personalized assessment and management plan.

Yes, changes in altitude or air pressure, such as during air travel or scuba diving, can have an impact. Individuals prone to this may experience changes in symptoms, and it's advisable to take precautions, like using earplugs during flights or descent.

Yes, if you experience persistent or bothersome tinnitus, consulting with an Audiologist in Sydney is recommended. They can conduct a thorough evaluation, provide a diagnosis, and guide you through appropriate management strategies tailored to your individual needs.

If you have additional questions or concerns about this or any other audiology issues, contact Hills Audiology for personalized assistance and expert guidance. 

More information on the Health Direct Website

What we offer

Our services

Thorough evaluation of hearing to determine hearing ability using Tympanometry, Pure Tone Audiometry, and Speech Audiometry.

Pre-employment hearing testing is available. Outside office hours, appointments can be arranged.

Specialised hearing tests for all preschool and school aged children including Tympanometry, Pure Tone Audiometry and Speech Audiometry.

After school appointments available

Government-funded Hearing Services available for pensioners and eligible veterans.

Hills Audiology is fully accredited to provide hearing care under the Hearing Services Program, inclusive of fitting hearing aids.